Thursday, May 29, 2014

11 months...

Olivia Ann turned 11 months old yesterday. The fact that she will be one year old in a month has me floored! We celebrated 11 months with a bowl of mango/banana/yogurt puree that ended in one big mess! It was worth the clean up though for these priceless pictures.

Ollie, you are the happiest, most beautiful little girl and you fill your father and I's life with joy every single day. We love you more than anything in this world. 


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Straw Hut

 We spent memorial day with a few friends and a gaggle of kiddos.  Our friends Judy and Bill Straw have converted their downstairs room into an amazing tiki room. Since tiki attire was required, I broke a dress and heels. I also wore more makeup than I have in probably three years! 
It is REALLY hard to get a good group photo of a bunch of kids! 

 Wooooo, Party!!
 My good friend Jenny and I.
Happy Memorial Day from the Zieglers! 


Sunday, May 18, 2014

A few words on teething...

It Sucks!!!
I have been dealing with meltdown after meltdown. I might just throw a party once this first little bugger breaks through, or I will at least do a happy dance! 

In the meantime, Ollie found her happy place the other day.

This little girl loves two things, being outside and water. 
I think this summer is gonna be a fun one! 


Friday, May 9, 2014

DIY inspiration

If you know me, you know one thing: I love to make things. I love finding something amazing and figuring out how to make my own version of it. These projects don't always pan out, but they are all a learning process! Here are a few things I am currently being inspired by:

This quilt

These porcupine quill beaded earrings.

These cute little star wars amigurumi. 

This cluster of gods eyes.

Cobie Ann