Monday, August 26, 2013

Cut and Sew

One of my favorite things about shopping at thrift stores is finding something god-awful and being able to see the potential in it. I love finding a piece of clothing that just needs a little alteration that transforms it to a completely different item. 

This dress as is was so unflattering with the long length, very 1990's.  But I love the print and colors as well as the bib top. 

So, I cut off all the length and hemmed it above the knee. Now it's a cute little jumper that only cost $6.50. 

p.s. other than my gigantic boobs, I am almost back to me pre-baby weight!! 

Friday, August 16, 2013

7 weeks old

My baby girl is 7 weeks old today, time is flying by. I am enjoying (almost) every moment of it. We have had lots of ups and downs, as any couple with a new baby has.  People can warn over and over again that having a newborn is the hardest thing you will do, but you seriously can not understand until you are thrown into it yourself. And its even harder when you little bundle of joy decides to surprise you and come 2 weeks early :)

Here is a short list of some the highs and lows so far: 

Low - dealing with jaundice levels getting scary high. I know jaundice is very common, but when it is your baby that is fighting it it feels like you are fighting the plague. This caused many a tear to fall from mommy during the first week home. 

High - seeing my Oma hold Olivia for the first time on the 4th of July. I am so happy to see her get to know her great grand daughter. 

Low - breast feeding! Again, something that a lot of new moms have a hard time with, but Damn!!! 7 weeks later and my boobs are still sore! This Momma is not giving up though, every day gets a little bit easier. 

High - discovering that Ollie loves the bath! We get in there together and she is completely content floating in the warm water :)

Low/High - discovering that Sunday (one of our cats) really does not like it when Ollie cries. Being bitten on the leg by a crazy cat while trying to change a diaper and console your crying baby is funny and not so funny at the same time. Damn cat.

High - seeing little Ollie resemble her Daddy more and more every day. I love her little daddy nose. 

High - speaking of Daddy, being completely blown away by the level of love and commitment Jeremy has shown to his little girl. From helping deliver her, to changing diapers, to putting her to bed every night. My love for him grows more and more every time I see him with her. 

High - seeing her grow and change on a daily basis. She just recently started smiling at me and it melts my heart every time. She amazes me and I simply cannot stop staring at her. 

I know there are things that I am leaving out and that there is going to be so many more highs and lows ahead of us on this wonderful adventure. I look forward to sharing them :)

Here are a few of my favorite pictures of her so far…..

The last picture taken of me the night before she was born. I kinda love this picture.

The next day, she was born at 3:04 p.m. on June 28th 2013. 

Olivia's first holiday, the 4th of July. Four generations in one picture. My mom and dad, my Oma, me and my baby.

Sleeping, so sweet in her little tie dye onesie :)

Crazy cat that was mentioned above. Sunday doesn't seem to mind having her around when she is sleeping :)

Jeremy and his two babies. Sam has been the best big brother, I am so proud of him. 

Olivias first bath.

Her pirate face.

Pondering life so far.

Happy after bath number two.

Grandpa Jerry came to visit for a week, it was nice having extra help around while Jeremy went back to work. 

Chubby cheeks filling out and big blue eyes. 


There's that wonderful smile I was talking about. She sure can light up a room :)

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Photo Card
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Sunday, March 24, 2013

24 Weeks!

I am 24 weeks and growing! 

What I wore : Hi-low Dress Lolita ℅ Crossroads Trading on College Ave., Black Danskin leggings, vintage turquoise and shell necklace ℅ my mother-in-law, vintage black cowgirl boots.

Baby training.

My good friend Jennifer brought her 4-month old baby Anthony over the other day. I was very interested to see how Sam and the kitties would react. There was a lot of sniffing, a little bit of jealousy, but overall I think they were ok with him. Until he started crying :)

Let it snow!!

We had a quick weekend getaway to North Lake Tahoe a few weeks ago. We met Jeremy's sister and her family there. We made the same trip last year around the same time, I'm thinking this is our little families first yearly tradition. 

It was cold! 


Jeremy had a snowball fight with Cole and Sophie (our nephew and niece). 
Im pretty sure the kids won. 

 We went sledding one day, well I watched while everyone else sledded. And Sam waited in the car, his decision.

The same day we hung out at the Northstar Resort, sticking close to the fire pits. 
(Sister in-law Anna and Cole above)

My niece Sophie LOVES Sam, I think hanging out with him was what she was looking forward to most about this trip. Can you blame her?? 

Our cottage was near Carnelian Bay, Such a beautiful beach. I think this is the clearest lake I have ever seen, made me want to jump right in.

 Father and Son.

Husband and Wife. 

Mother and Son. 

22 weeks!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

17 weeks!

Today marks 17 weeks in our pregnancy. I have a belly now! I actually had to purchase some maternity pants, yikes! I am determined to look cute through this whole experience, thank you Old Navy skinny maternity jeans for helping with this :)

I have also been in super "nesting" mode lately. I will share apartment pics when I am done! 


p.s. Good luck to our 49er's in the Superbowl this weekend! 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Happy New Year 2013!!

Happy New year every one! 

I am looking forward to this new year probably more than any other due to one thing:

We're having a baby!!

I will be 15 weeks tomorrow, and feeling great! 
Jeremy and I heard the baby's heart beat today, it was so cool! 

The new addition to our family has led to some new and not so new resolutions this year:

#1 - I've got to de-clutter this apartment! I guess you could also call it nesting, But I have been cleaning and organizing and purging like a mad woman. 

#2 - Healthy eating for the whole family. I am going to try to incorporate more fruit and veggies into our diet. It's gonna be tricky for Jeremy (Mr. anti-vegtable). I am researching new and tasty recipes. 

#3 - Listen to more music and read more books! This will not be a tough one. I have been reading out loud to baby so S/He can get used to my voice. I also want baby to love music and dancing as much as I do! 

#4 - I want to post more regularly on here! I want to create some regular weekly posts inspired by some of my favorite blogs. I'm in-visioning regular craft posts, outfit posts, cooking/baking posts, I may even try my hand at book and movie reviews. 

I think those are my main goals for this year, we'll see how it goes! 

XOXO, Cobie Ann :)