Thursday, March 29, 2012

There's something about Mary....

I got a wonderful surprise in the mail the other day. My friend Mary sent me these earrings that she made.

Thank you Mary, I love them!!

I heart thrift stores

I really scored some good stuff yesterday at the local thrift stores. As other thrifters know, you usually have to dig to find the treasures. Yesterday I felt like they were jumping off the racks and into my arms :)

Vintage orange sweater, vintage printed mini skirt - both thrifted from Alameda Goodwill.

Vintage printed tunic - thrifted from Alameda Goodwill

LAMB coat - thrifted from Oakland Out of the Closet

Elevenses coat - thrifted from Alameda Goodwill.

Sam wanted in on the action too! 


We had a little weekend getaway in Tahoe a few weeks ago. Jeremy's sister and her family flew over from Maui to get out of the heat and into the freezing snow! 

Sam thought the snow was pretty cool :)


Anna, my sister in law.

Sam's paw print :)

Pretty Lake Tahoe.

Father and son love.

It was freezing!!

The snow storm came on our last day there.

It's always great to see my in-laws and it doesn't happen often enough. We miss them already. 
Till next time!