Thursday, January 31, 2013

17 weeks!

Today marks 17 weeks in our pregnancy. I have a belly now! I actually had to purchase some maternity pants, yikes! I am determined to look cute through this whole experience, thank you Old Navy skinny maternity jeans for helping with this :)

I have also been in super "nesting" mode lately. I will share apartment pics when I am done! 


p.s. Good luck to our 49er's in the Superbowl this weekend! 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Happy New Year 2013!!

Happy New year every one! 

I am looking forward to this new year probably more than any other due to one thing:

We're having a baby!!

I will be 15 weeks tomorrow, and feeling great! 
Jeremy and I heard the baby's heart beat today, it was so cool! 

The new addition to our family has led to some new and not so new resolutions this year:

#1 - I've got to de-clutter this apartment! I guess you could also call it nesting, But I have been cleaning and organizing and purging like a mad woman. 

#2 - Healthy eating for the whole family. I am going to try to incorporate more fruit and veggies into our diet. It's gonna be tricky for Jeremy (Mr. anti-vegtable). I am researching new and tasty recipes. 

#3 - Listen to more music and read more books! This will not be a tough one. I have been reading out loud to baby so S/He can get used to my voice. I also want baby to love music and dancing as much as I do! 

#4 - I want to post more regularly on here! I want to create some regular weekly posts inspired by some of my favorite blogs. I'm in-visioning regular craft posts, outfit posts, cooking/baking posts, I may even try my hand at book and movie reviews. 

I think those are my main goals for this year, we'll see how it goes! 

XOXO, Cobie Ann :)